TK visited 1st grade and Mimi the hamster!
about 1 month ago, Sofia Pacheco
TK/ 1st grade with Mimi the hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
holding hamster
Kinder eating lunch together on Friday!
about 1 month ago, Nicole Misewitch
Lunch time!
5th grade hard at work at a team building STEM project!
about 1 month ago, Kaitlyn Marquez
5th grade hard at work on a team building STEM project!
Students at work
Students at work
Tin foil boats
First days of school and we are keeping our scholars engaged while we finish construction!!!
about 1 month ago, Mupu Elementary
chess games
keeping busy with chess and checkers
a little cornhole
tic tac toe anyone?
chess anyone?
older kids like chess too
excited about our play yard!!
TK Name Art!
about 1 month ago, Sofia Pacheco
TK Name Art!
💚 Mupu Staff Night Out 💚 #mupuschool
4 months ago, Megan Escobar
Mupu staff
Mupu staff
Mupu staff
Mupu staff
Reminder student council is hosting a middle school dance this Friday!
4 months ago, Marlene Batista
Glow Dance
Amazing end of year trip for our promoting 8th graders in Santa Cruz today. So many parents attended it felt like a Kindergarten trip! Hoping these are lasting memories for our scholars and their families!
4 months ago, Marlene Batista
boat time
fun times
riding the waves
enjoying great weather
8th grade teachers
hello from atop
learning about Santa Cruz
enjoying the view
our 8th grade class
Rocky beach
Amazing Spring Fling last night! thank you to the hard work of our MPC and parent volunteers as well as Miss Pacheco and Miss Vivian for preparing and organizing the Talent Show and class performances!! Mupu Rocks!!!
5 months ago, Marlene Batista
Gracie singing
7th grade singing
5th grade singing
4th grade singing
Janie and Macey dancing
3rd grade singing
Brooklyn and Karisma dancing
Suzie singing
Aubrey and Elise dancing
8th grade girls enjoying the evening
Bananas were quite popular at lunch today, but not for eating! Reminders of why I love being around students so much!! ❤️
5 months ago, Marlene Batista
Hello can you hear me now?
All of our Mupu participants in the Ventura County Science Fair did a fantastic job on Friday! We had 5 Mupu scholars recognized for their amazing job. 🌟 Natalie, Alexa, Kathy, and Shelby (although she wasn’t able to attend earned recognition for her overall project and board) have won an award in their respective categories for the County Fair 👏 Ivan’s score was so high in the overall point totals for all categories has been invited to the State Science Fair! 🏅 Congratulations to all our kiddos!
6 months ago, Megan Escobar
Ventura County Science Fair
Ventura County Science Fair
Ventura County Science Fair
Ventura County Science Fair
Ventura County Science Fair
Mupu students representing at the Ventura County Sciience Fair!
6 months ago, Marlene Batista
hyped up for the fair
great experiments
Mupu in the house
science mania
presenting for judges
all done presenting
Thanks to Mrs. Peyton and Mrs. Lori for our "fire pit and marshmallows."
6 months ago, Nicole Misewitch
kids standing around fire pit
Friday 3/22 is our first Mupu Gives Fundraiser check-in! Try to see if you can get a donation or two before then. Each grade will be filling in their class fundraising thermometers each Friday. For more information please see the email sent from Dr. Batista. #mupuschool
6 months ago, Megan Escobar
Mupu Gives Funraiser
6 months ago, Megan Escobar
More pics from 3rd grade field trip
6 months ago, Marlene Batista
Mrs. H and Dr. B
another visitor
great view for a group pic
our wonderful chaperones
beautiful day
ending the day on the shoreline
beach fun
our hearts will go on!
discoveries on the beach
waiting for our boat home
Such a great day yesterday on Santa Cruz Island with 3rd grade!
6 months ago, Marlene Batista
boat fun
boat fun
look up here
Santa Cruz Island
we arrived
some interesting information
listening closely
visiting blue jay
saving a caterpillar
adventure time
On the Island Packer boat and ready to see some whales!
6 months ago, Marlene Batista
ready to set sail
Santa Cruz Island here we come
hope we see some whales
excited to set sail
the group is all here
having fun!
thanks to our parent chaperones
Mrs. H leading the pack!
3rd grade is ready to rock and roll! Santa Cruz Island here we come!!
6 months ago, Marlene Batista
Mupu 3rd grade at the harbor!
Two days left this coming Monday and Tuesday to buy Spring Grams! #mupuschool
7 months ago, Megan Escobar
Spring Grams
Spring Grams